Home Bankruptcy Law A Breakdown of the Arizona Bankruptcy Process

A Breakdown of the Arizona Bankruptcy Process

Get assistance throughout the bankruptcy process with a Phoenix lawyer at Hilltop Law Firm. Call (602) 466-9631 for more information.

Dedicated Financial Assistance with Bankruptcy in Phoenix, AZ

Bankruptcy is a legal process that helps those in debt find a way out of their financial troubles. The court assesses your situation, deals with debts, and offers you a fresh start. Bankruptcy can free you from debt and help you rebuild your financial health.

Don’t let financial stress weigh you down any longer. Start the journey to a brighter future by partnering with Hilltop Law Firm. With almost a decade of legal experience and two years of banking experience, head attorney Cy Hainey can guide you through some of the most difficult challenges facing you and your family. Our Phoenix legal team is ready to guide you through the bankruptcy process, ensuring that you emerge on the other side with a clean slate and a fresh perspective.

Contact us at (602) 466-9631 to take your first step towards a debt-free life. Your financial renewal awaits.

I had to make a hard decision to go through bankruptcy. I am so glad I found Cy Hainey because he is a incredible attorney. He truly took the time to walk me through every step of the process. He was always available to talk about any questions I had through the process. I would truly like to thank Cy Hainey for all his help. I would recommend Cy Hainey to anybody that need to go through bankruptcy.”
- Lois

Determining Eligibility and Choosing the Right Chapter

If you’re struggling with debt, consider Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 is for those with income below the state median and involves selling non-exempt assets to pay off creditors. Chapter 13 is for those with a regular income and allows for a repayment plan while protecting assets. Choose Chapter 7 for a fresh start or Chapter 13 to keep valuable assets and create a repayment plan.

When determining eligibility for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, several factors are considered:

  • Income and Means Test: Your income will influence your eligibility for both chapters.
  • Debt Type: The type of debt you hold—secured, unsecured, priority—may impact your decision.
  • Asset Preservation: If preserving specific assets is paramount, Chapter 13’s protection mechanisms may be beneficial.
  • Repayment Approach: Chapter 7 offers immediate debt discharge, while Chapter 13 involves a structured repayment plan.
  • Financial Goals: Your long-term financial goals play a significant role in determining which chapter aligns with your aspirations.

Filing and Preparing Bankruptcy Petitions

Preparing for bankruptcy involves gathering various documents and information that provide a comprehensive snapshot of your financial situation. These typically include:

  • Personal identification documents (such as your driver’s license and Social Security card).
  • Financial statements, including income sources, expenses, debts, and assets.
  • Proof of recent tax filings and returns.
  • Records of major financial transactions.
  • Information about your creditors and outstanding debts.

The Automatic Stay and Credit Counseling

The “automatic stay” serves as a protective shield against persistent creditor actions that offer instant relief by stopping wage garnishments, foreclosure proceedings, and creditor harassment. The automatic stay shields you from a barrage of creditor actions, including:

  • Wage Garnishments: The automatic stay stops creditors from garnishing your wages, giving you a chance to regain control of your earnings.
  • Repossession: Whether it’s your vehicle or other valuable assets, the automatic stay halts repossession efforts, buying you time to explore your options.
  • Foreclosure: If your home is at risk, the automatic stay temporarily halts foreclosure proceedings, allowing you to consider alternatives and potentially save your property.

Credit counseling is mandatory for bankruptcy, helping with financial education and decision-making during the bankruptcy process. Credit counseling helps you evaluate your finances, explore alternatives, and develop a budget to make informed choices that align with your financial goals.

Meetings, Plans, and Discharge

The 341 meeting of creditors is a crucial step that can bring clarity to the bankruptcy process. Your Arizona bankruptcy lawyer can guide you through this important meeting and help you find a path toward financial renewal.

During the 341 meeting, you and your bankruptcy trustee will meet to review your financial situation and verify the accuracy of your documents. While creditors are rarely present, this meeting ensures transparency and honesty in the bankruptcy process.

For those pursuing Chapter 13 bankruptcy, creating a repayment plan is a vital component. The repayment plan outlines how you will repay your creditors over several years and must be approved by both your trustee and the court. Once approved, you can begin the structured process of repaying your debts and regaining financial stability.

Ultimately, the goal of bankruptcy is to reach the discharge phase, where eligible debts are wiped clean by the court. This fresh start can be a gateway to a brighter financial future.

Improve Your Financial Circumstances with a Phoenix Lawyer at Hilltop Law Firm

At Hilltop Law Firm, our goal is to assist you in navigating the complex process of the 341 meeting, meticulously designing your Chapter 13 repayment plan, and leading you to a successful bankruptcy discharge. Our Phoenix bankruptcy attorney can provide transparency, strategy, and renewed hope for your financial future.

To begin the journey towards financial success, call Hilltop Law Firm at (602) 466-9631.

“Settled my debt quickly and for less than I could have imagined! I would definitely recommend”
- Chelsea