Phoenix Legal Resource Blog

The Dos and Don’ts of Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on May 20, 2024

Rebuilding credit post-bankruptcy is vital for restoring financial stability. It takes time to rebuild trust with lenders. Avoid accruing new debts and, instead, focus on saving and prudent spending. Each positive action contributes to rebuilding credit, ultimately paving the way for future financial opportunities and regaining a firm footing on the path to financial stability.

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Posted in: Credit Repair

Can I Keep My Tax Refund When Filing for Bankruptcy?

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on April 27, 2024

Filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Arizona can be overwhelming. Questions about retaining assets like tax refunds may add to the confusion. Understanding all the implications of filing for bankruptcy is crucial for people facing financial challenges.

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Posted in: Bankruptcy

The Recent Law Change About Student Loans and Bankruptcy

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on March 20, 2024

Many former students found that filing for bankruptcy did not allow their student loans to be dismissed. Most didn’t even try because discharging student loans was a complex and time-consuming process, showing little hope of success. The U.S. Department of Education recently announced modifications to the debt forgiveness process, promising to significantly improve the situation.

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Posted in: Loans

What 341 Hearings Are and What You Can Expect During One

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on February 28, 2024

A 341 hearing, also known as a meeting of creditors or a Section 341 meeting, is a valuable opportunity for the trustee and creditors to obtain essential information about the debtor’s financial situation. The trustee and creditors can ensure that the bankruptcy case is handled fairly and transparently by asking questions related to the debtor’s assets, liabilities, and other relevant information.

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Posted in: Bankruptcy

What a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Repayment Plan Could Look Like

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on January 20, 2024

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is designed to provide individuals with a structured path to manage and repay their debts while retaining their assets. At the core of this process is the Chapter 13 repayment plan, a comprehensive strategy outlining how the debtor will repay creditors over a specified period. We want to shed light on what a Chapter 13 bankruptcy repayment plan could look like and how this option can help you regain control of your finances and future.

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Posted in: Bankruptcy

How Creditors Try To Ruin Your Holidays

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on December 21, 2023

The holiday season should be a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. However, for many individuals and families, financial struggles can cast a dark shadow over these festivities, including ruthless collection efforts from debt collectors.

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Posted in: Debt Settlement

All About Preferential Payments in Bankruptcy

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on November 6, 2023

The concept of “preferential payments” in bankruptcy is often misunderstood. It is vital to understand the legal definitions and criteria, how these payments affect creditors and debtors, and the importance of seeking legal advice for personalized guidance. Bankruptcy may allow for exceptions to preferential payment rules or provide defenses against preferential payment claims.

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Posted in: Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy Myths and Setting the Record Straight

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on October 9, 2023

Bankruptcy is a legal process designed to provide individuals and businesses with a fresh financial start when they find themselves overwhelmed with debt. Yet, despite its clear purpose and benefits, myths and misconceptions often shroud the concept of bankruptcy, preventing those in dire financial straits from seeking the relief they need.

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Posted in: Bankruptcy

Life After Bankruptcy

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on September 15, 2023

Bankruptcy is a legal procedure that individuals or businesses may undertake if they cannot pay off their debts. It can affect your credit rating, financial records, and future borrowing. Examining these areas and emphasizing the significance of developing a reliable financial strategy after bankruptcy in Arizona is crucial.

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Posted in: Bankruptcy

Fighting Creditor Harassment and How Bankruptcy Can Help

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on August 20, 2023

It is not uncommon for people to struggle with overwhelming debt, especially in situations involving unexpected medical treatment, ballooning inflation, and a range of other financial stresses. Falling behind on your finances can be stressful, especially when debt collectors start calling and taking action. Thankfully, there are legal tools at your disposal to help combat creditor harassment, including the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and filing for bankruptcy.

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Posted in: Bankruptcy

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