Phoenix Legal Resource Blog

What Is the Chapter 7 “Means Test,” and How Does It Work?

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on July 20, 2023

Not everyone is eligible to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. To qualify, some people are required to pass a “means test.” This test is required to determine eligibility if your income is above the median in Arizona for your family size and if your debts are mainly consumer debts.

If you are facing debt issues in Arizona, contact Hilltop Law Firm at (602) 466-9631 for skilled legal assistance.

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Posted in: Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy and Taxes: The 3 Most Important Things to Know

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on June 15, 2023

Tax situations may become complicated in bankruptcy, as not all tax debts can be discharged. It’s in your best interest to consult with an experienced Arizona bankruptcy lawyer about how filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 can affect your taxes.

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Posted in: Bankruptcy

Can I Keep My House with Bankruptcy in Arizona?

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on May 18, 2023

We all need a place to live, and no one wants to lose their home. Although bankruptcy can provide a way to discharge overwhelming debt and make a fresh start financially, many people hesitate to file for fear of becoming homeless in the process. If you are in this situation, consult an experienced Phoenix, Arizona bankruptcy lawyer as soon as possible. It may be possible to file for bankruptcy and keep your home.

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Posted in: Bankruptcy

How to Know When to Consider Bankruptcy

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on April 25, 2023

If you are overwhelmed with debt and unable to get caught up on your payments, bankruptcy may be the right solution for you. Declaring bankruptcy is a major financial step that can affect your future. It is in your best interests to consult with an experienced bankruptcy attorney before filing.

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Posted in: Bankruptcy

Does Bankruptcy Lead to Discrimination?

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on March 24, 2023

For many individuals dealing with crushing debt, filing bankruptcy may be the best solution. Some are concerned about the stigma that may be associated with bankruptcy and worry that it could affect their employment, credit, and other aspects of their lives. If you are considering bankruptcy as a debt solution, you should know that the law provides protection against discrimination for individuals who declare bankruptcy.

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Posted in: Bankruptcy

Zombie Debt: Just As Scary as Real Zombies

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on February 14, 2023

Zombie debt is debt that will not die, or keeps coming back from the dead. This term is used in the credit industry to describe debt that resurfaces in collections after the statute of limitations (legal time limit to collect the debt) has expired. With collection agencies still attempting to collect the debt, it can reappear on your credit report and negatively impact your purchasing power.

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Posted in: Debt Settlement

Can You Avoid Eviction with Bankruptcy?

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on January 27, 2023

If you rent your residence, and your landlord has threatened to evict you for failure to pay rent, filing for bankruptcy may help you avoid the eviction. Understanding the role of bankruptcy in avoiding eviction will help you figure out how to navigate difficult financial situations. Read on to find out how bankruptcy can prevent eviction and how you can implement it.

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Posted in: Bankruptcy

How Much Does Bankruptcy Cost?

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on December 20, 2022

With the global economy under threat, courtesy of wars and pandemics, many people continue to succumb to financial hurdles, causing long-term hardships. Therefore, many are left with no choice but to file for bankruptcy. Like any other lawsuit, you will incur expenses when filing for bankruptcy. This cost will depend on the chapter and the attorney services you seek. We at Hilltop Law Firm will help you understand the range of bankruptcy fees depending on your state after a detailed consultation.

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Posted in: Bankruptcy

The Most Common Reasons People File for Bankruptcy

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on November 20, 2022

The number of individuals filing for bankruptcy in the US continues to increase, especially in this pandemic era, as many lose their livelihoods. We at Hilltop Law Firm will help you file for Bankruptcy and relieve the stress of creditors constantly asking for payment.

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Posted in: Bankruptcy

What Debts Cannot Be Discharged in Bankruptcy?

By Phoenix Bankruptcy Attorney on June 20, 2022

Most unsecured debts, such as credit cards, medical debts, repossessions, etc. can be eliminated in a chapter 7 bankruptcy. However, some debts will survive a chapter 7 bankruptcy.

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Posted in: Bankruptcy

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